Tuesday, January 3, 2012

What's In a Name?

Last June, my BFF came to visit. While she was here, she just happened to meet my husband's brother, who will from here on out be referred to as BIL. Anyway, they started chatting, one thing led to another, and six months later, they're engaged!! That's right, my best friend is going to be my new sister. I'm pumped. They're getting married six months from yesterday, so expect lots of wedding crafts on here.

Back to the point. When I was racking my brain, trying to decide what to get my new sister-to-be for Christmas, my husband said, "Get her something with her new last name on it." He said it so matter-of-factly, like it was something I should have thought of myself (which I probably should have). My husband has a way with words. I immediately thought of a project I saw on Pinterest (where else?) that I wanted to make for myself, so I decided to make two, one for me and one for her. Here is the link to the tutorial that inspired these lovelies.

I got a 1"x8", which is actually only 1"x 7.25", and some of my frames were 7.5" tall, so if I had to do it again, I would get 1" or 2"x 10". Anyway, lay out your frames on the board and mark where you need to make your cut. Then prime and paint your boards. I did BFF's red, and mine a light turquoise. Then I distressed them with a sander a little bit. 1. I like the distressed look. 2. It hides a multitude of blemishes.

 I bought frames from the Dollar Tree ($1 each, heck yes), and framed the pictures of the letters.

 I pulled the 'stander-uppers' on the back off, and used a wood glue to attach the frames to the wood.

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